

August 10, 2010 (Tuesday)

”picWhat makes a car go? An engine of some kind. The first cars had steam engines, but were soon replaced with internal combustion engines. There are variations of the internal combustion engine, but they all basically create power through the burning of a fuel. The latest innovation to make cars go is the electric car. It’s not really new on the scene, because many of the earliest cars were electric. Today, however, there is a strong movement to conserve fuel and reduce air pollution and the electric car is suited to those goals.
Out there somewhere there is somebody who will someday invent a new type of propulsion for automobiles. It is impossible to say right now what that invention will be, because it does not exist today as far as we know, but “somewhere over the rainbow” there’s a young boy or girl that will have an idea that is new, and a different type of vehicle will be born. Copy this blog and file it away for future reference, so that when it happens, whoever possesses this blog will be able to say they read it first.
Of course I’m being facetious, because this prophecy has been made by knowledgeable people for many years. It will happen. As the old newsreel declared, “Time Marches On.” The future will inevitably produce new wonders and marvels not yet dreamed of.