Our world

Our home

August 11, 2010 (Wednesday)
”picA beautiful sunset yesterday caused me to glance at my watch and when I saw the time of day I was reminded that the days are getting shorter. The sun is setting about 20 minutes earlier than it set two months ago on the longest day of the year. During this heat wave it’s hard to realize that summer will soon be gone and fall will be here once again.
As the sky changed colors last evening, I could not help but think of the marvelous world in which we live. Scientists are combing the heavens and using every means possible to discover life on other worlds, but so far they have found neither living beings nor another world like ours. We live in a unique place in the universe. It is a beautiful planet, we know, because our astronauts and space probes have taken pictures. Indeed, the satellites take pictures of it every day.
God has created a world capable of producing and sustaining life. It’s not out of reason to describe it as a spaceship, with billions of passengers. It is our home for the time being, and we need to take good care of it, don’t we? At least that’s the way it seems to me.
