It’s always sump’n

We’ll always need the Lord

July 9, 2010 (Friday)
”picAlas, poor TD2, she never got the name, “Bonnie.” TD2 was the nearest she came to having a name. Her name was withheld from her and shall be given to another. But TD2 gave us all plenty of rain, that’s for sure. TD2 will go down in history as the lesser-known sibling of her older brother, Alex. The second-born always feels slighted. Maybe that’s why she is throwing a fit and doing so much damage along the Rio Grande.
With all the humidity and wet weather, mold and mildew may become a problem. As a matter of fact, before this depression formed, there had been so much wet weather from Alex’s outer circulation that a little crop of toadstools sprang up in front of the church’s mailbox. There must have been 15 or so, in a little group of several sizes, all white, more or less.
If you have a mildew problem, and you studied the Sunday School series of the previous quarter that emphasized the teachings of Leviticus, then you know what to do. There are verses in Leviticus that discuss the problem of mildew (Found in chapters 13 and 14) Suffice it to say that the rules have more to do with making sure one is ceremonially clean than with health issues. It is interesting, however, that the rules call for demolishing a dwelling if procedures for getting rid of the mildew do not work. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? A church building on I45 was demolished within recent years because of a certain type of mold.
Seems there are always things in life that are bigger than we are. With all of our advances, we are still stuck when it comes to a few things. But we’re working on the problems, with the hope that one of these days we may come up with solutions. In the meantime, what seem to be insurmountable roadblocks for us can have a good side, by causing us to realize our human limitations. When we have faith, that simply means we will humble ourselves and pray, seeking the Lord’s face.