This can be a great day for you

Let it become so

July 8, 2010 (Thursday)
”picYesterday afternoon we got weather reports of impending heavy rain and flash floods, so we dismissed our mid-week worship service. When the time arrived, we were glad we had done that, because no one would have been able to get there. In that case, the forecast was accurate. Rain was coming down in sheets. Water was everywhere. More is forecast today. By the end of the day, a tropical depression had formed in the Gulf and was predicted to become Tropical Storm Bonnie today. And that’s the main reason for all the rain here In Houston. The entire coast of Texas is due to be deluged today.
The other news about the Texas coast is that tar balls are showing up on Texas beaches and each report says they are appearing farther south than the previous report. The oil spill in the Gulf continues to put more oil into the water. Texas had been affected already by the impact upon the oil business, but now the effects of the spill can be felt in one’s hands.
All of this reminds us that life does not always go our way. We are constantly making adjustments to new situations, some of which are not pleasant. But it’s great to be alive. There are so many good things in life to be enjoyed and shared. The qualities that really matter every day and make life worthwhile are readily available to everyone: “Faith,” “Hope,” and “Love” (1 Cor. 13). As the song says so well, “The best things in life are free.”
You and I can be fully equipped to live this day in peace and joy. If we know the Lord, we already have what it takes. Let us say with the Apostle Paul, ‘I can do all things through Christi who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). This day — July 8, 2010 — can be a great day in your life. Let it become so.