Words Can Hurt or Heal

January 8, 2020 (Wednesday)

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is a cold, cruel, and unbelievable lie!

Words can hurt.

Sometimes people say things without thinking, and unintentionally hurt someone. Don’t do that.

Sometimes people say things fully intending to hurt another person.
Hamlet says he is angry enough with his mother to kill her, but will not do so. He will not use physical violence but attempt to hurt her with words. He says, “I will speak daggers to her but use none.”

On the other hand, Words can heal.

Certain people work hard at saying words that will bless and help others. They look a person over, pick out something that can be complimented, and say something encouraging to that person.

In the cartoon below, Snoopy knows Peppermint Patty very well and goes beyond words to illustrate his feelings. She loves it.