Your Choice

January 3, 2020 (Friday)

We are all familiar with the pseudo “shorthand” terms in writing such as “b.” which means “born,” followed by a date. Let’s use the example name, “John Doe,” which might appear in an essay as “John Doe (b. 1895)” which means “John Doe” is his name and “b. 1895″ is the year of his birth. Are you with me so far? I’m going to make a point about this.

Today I read a question,”Who did this?” This is way it was answered: “John Doe (Enjoying life since 1988).

Now, here’s the question. If someone was writing about you, could they use the same wording? Are you enjoying life? If not, why not?

One reason for not enjoying life is the negative attitude that seems to plague so many people today. “Look around you–the world is bad” seems to be their logo. If that is you I’m describing, why not change your life? As stupidly impossible as it may seem, you can change simply by deciding to do so. After all, how you live inside your mind and heart is strictly your decision. Outward circumstances do not determine how you react to them. That’s your choice.

Having choices in life is a gift of God. The first people He created had a choice: they could do what God said or they could disobey Him. All their other choices were rooted in that one. The same is true of us all.

Here is the plain, simple truth: “We can obey God and enjoy life or we can disobey Him and be unhappy.” It’s our choice.