Left, Right, or Center?

Our views

May 28, 2010 (Friday)
”picDickens wrote of a period of history, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” I suppose that could be written of any decade chosen at random.
Those who do the thinking and writing these days represent various points of view that differ. Some write from the “left;” some write from the “right.” Few present the bare facts of truth, just as they are.
The plain fact is, we are all biased, some of us to a slight degree, others to a greater degree. But we all have our opinions, based upon our life experiences up to this point in our personal history.
The truth is out there, somewhere, lurking in the shadows, hiding just around the corner, begging to come out and be seen and heard, but we really “can’t handle the truth,” as Col. Nathan R. Jessep (Jack Nicholson’s movie character) forcefully declared. So we interpret from our personal points of view.
A simple little birthday party, when reported in the news, can be reported as good or bad, depending on who the reporter is, and a host of other factors. One could report on the unhealthy menu and the total disregard of the well being of the children. Another could announce that it was the highlight of the birthday kid’s life, creating self-esteem for that child that will last for months on end. The truth is probably that it was a pretty good party, and everyone had a good time. But that’s not news these days, the best of times and the worst of times.
While I am at it, I would like to make a request of writers. Please check your facts before you share them. Then, just before you tell others what you think you know, ask yourself if it’s necessary. Also, does it meet the four-way test? *
If this blog doesn’t seem to make sense to you, don’t worry about it. Just enjoy your life.
* The Rotary International four-way test of the things we think, say or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?