I’m just sayin’

..you know

May 26, 2010 (Wednesday)
”picThe English language, as spoken by Americans, is always undergoing construction. Expressions come and go, usually with generations. Take, for instance, the word, “crazy,” which for a while meant, “outstanding,” “enjoyable,” “very good,” or whatever you wanted it to mean. Incidentally, with a new generation speaking the language, “crazy” means “crazy” once again, in the same sense it had before the fad.
Something I am hearing more often these days is, “I’m just sayin’.” I hear it so much, in fact, that I looked it up in what is called “The Urban Dictionary” on the web. That place of referral assigns seven definitions to the expression.
Among the most popular ways the words are used is to save face after being admonished or corrected for what was just said. It takes the place of “I’m sorry” and “I was wrong,” among other things.
We can depend upon our language to keep changing. Some of the changes become permanent. I have the feeling that this little sentence will go the way of all fads and gradually fade.
I’m just sayin’..