Mother’s Day this Sunday

Happy Mother’s Day!

May 7, 2010 (Friday)
”picThe first Mother’s Day proclamation by President Wilson in 1914 was preceded by various efforts dating from 1868. It is now observed by many countries on various dates. In those countries it goes by different names, but the idea is much the same. It is singular (“Mother’s Day”) because it is intended to be a celebration for each mother in the land.
“Mother’s Day” and the companion “Father’s Day” remind us of the importance of the family. The institution of family has endured through all the social changes of history. It takes many different forms but persists as an ideal.
A little girl said to her mother, “Mother, you’re just like glue.” “What on earth do you mean, Child?” asked the mom. “Without you, we would just fall apart,” was the reply.

Mother Like Glue

“Mother, you are just like glue,”
Said the little child.
Mom replied, “What’s the matter with you?”
Smiling all the while.
“Without you, dear Mom, we fall apart
We can’t get along without you,”
The mother felt a tug at her heart
For she knew deep inside it was true.