Beautiful, Beautiful Texas

..where the beautiful bluebonnets grow..

April 7, 2010 (Wednesday)
(New Braunfels Bluebonnets courtesy Maurice Smith)

”picJimmie Davis, governor of Louisiana, was known as “the singing governor,” and composer of over 400 songs. At about the same time, Texas had its own “singing governor,” W. Lee O’Daniel, an unlikely politician who became a U.S. Senator, defeating no less an opponent than Lyndon Johnson. The early 21st Century has seen several governors around the country in the news for ethics violations, but these two “singing governors” were famous for their music. O’Daniel wrote songs, too, and one of his best known was, “Beautiful Texas.” Here are the words (you may know the tune):
W. Lee O’Daniel
1. You’ve all read the beautiful stories
Of the countries far over the sea,
From whence came our ancestors
To establish this land of the free.
There are some folks who still like to travel,
To see what they have over there,
But when they go look,
It’s not like the book,
And they find there is none to compare—
CHORUS: To beautiful, beautiful Texas,
Where the beautiful bluebonnets
(chorus con’t…)
We’re proud of our forefathers
Who fought at the Alamo.
You can live on the plains or the mountains,
Or down where the sea breezes blow,
And you’re still in beautiful Texas,
The most beautiful place that I know.
2. You can travel on beautiful highways,
By the city, the village and farm,
Or sail above on the skyways,
And the beauty below you will charm:
White cotton, green forests, blue rivers,
Golden wheat fields, and fruit trees that bear.
You can look till doomsday,
And then you will say,
That Texas has beauty to spare.
CHORUS: Oh, beautiful Texas….
3. In this song about beautiful Texas,
There is one thing we have to say.
About 6 million are proud
That they are here to stay.
It’s great to be healthy and happy,
And that seems to be our good fate.
So let us all smile,
For life is worthwhile,
When we live in this beautiful state—
CHORUS: Oh beautiful Texas….