
Home Sweet Home

March 25, 2010 (Thursday)
picture of CharlesThe year was 1964. Three Dallas preachers were in Atlantic City attending the Jubilee Southern Baptist Convention: W.D. Broadway, pastor at Lancaster, Gene McCombs, W.D.’s brother-in-law, pastor at Duncanville, and I, pastor at Vickery. On the boardwalk one day W.D. asked me if I would like to pastor on the coast (of Texas), and then told me about Rockport. He recommended me as pastor. The church, however, was already well into the process of calling Hank Scott to be the pastor, and a few months later, did just that. But Hank, sensitive to the leading of God’s Spirit, told the church at Rockport that he had come to believe God wanted him to stay where he was (Bacon Heights Baptist Church, Lubbock), so the pulpit committee in Rockport asked me to come and preach for them in a neutral location nearby (First Baptist Church of Aransas Pass) on a Wednesday night. I did that, and the committee invited me and my family to come to Rockport and preach for the church in view of a call as pastor. We came, I preached, we interviewed with the church, and the church called us as pastor and family. We made the move November 1, 1964, and pastored the church until February, 1996– 31 years and 4 months.
Wanda and I were 33 years old, and our children were David, 10, Danny, 9, Debbie, 5, and Dianna, 17 months. David and Danny were in the 5th and 3rd grades; Debbie and Dianna were not yet old enough to attend school. In 1966, two years after our arrival, Dwight was born. All of them would graduate from the school at Rockport.
What could I begin to say about the place where I have spent most of my life? Rockport itself is a wonderful place to live and the church is an oasis of love and ministry. The people continue to find many ways to serve the Lord individually as well as through the church. The church celebrated its Centennial in 1973, and continues to grow today. ………….Continued…
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