Smug remarks

A site to help you make them

February 25, 2010 (Thursday)
picture of CharlesI ran across a web site with an intriguing name: “Smugopedia.” It’s sub-title is, “Pretend you know better.” Its mission statement warns us that the site offers the means by which you can have a fleeting sense of self-satisfaction at the cost of alienating your friends and loved ones.
It gives you bits of trivial, little-known information. Armed with the info, you are free to annoy and pester everyone with your display of superior knowledge, being sure to be smug about it.
As I read through the gospels, I am impressed with the way Jesus talked so simply about things everyone already knew. He just reminded them of things like the beautiful flowers to teach a lesson about how God cares about all of us.
Yesterday’s blog about the size of the universe was intended to engender humility in us earthlings. It certainly was not intended to display my knowledge, because I was merely relaying a message. I’m amazed at the fact that things like the times of sunrise and sunset and the phases of the moon are known by the scientists, and can be computed for any day of the future. Frankly, I don’t know how they do that. So I can’t throw my two cents into the conversations about it. If I don’t understand these things, it’s a cinch I don’t understand the greater issues concerning the size of the universe. But I am impressed by what the scientists tell me about it.
I would rather learn from Jesus about how to share information in a way that blesses others, than to learn from Smugopedia how to be annoying and obnoxious by always having the last word.
I suppose the purported prayer of a preacher about his sermon fits any conversation: “Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff, and nudge me when I’ve said enough.”