Talk About Jesus

cffblog6.jpgOctober 20, 2019 (Sunday)

I recently published a blog entitled “Grow in Grace and Knowledge,” and I suggested “Six Simple Steps to Christian Growth.” (See below). The fourth of these steps was, “Talk about Jesus.”

What do you talk about all day long? Football, Baseball, Politics, Taxes? Come on, be completely honest. What do you talk about more than anything else? Maybe your talking about anything and everything except Jesus would prompt Jesus to say to you what he is saying in the picture above.

It may take some shifting of topics of conversation to give Jesus priority in your conversations each day. All of us who know Christ as Savior can talk about him and his love for us. Some of us must look inside our minds and hearts and ask ourselves if Jesus is worthy of our devotion. We know he is, but during an average day, how much do we talk about him?

Shouldn’t we be more like Peter and John when they were commanded by their spiritual leaders to keep quiet about Jesus? They replied, “We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” In other words, they declared, “We cannot stop talking about Jesus.”

Your spiritual growth will depend in part on church attendance, Bible reading and prayer. It will also depend on your willingness to talk about Jesus. Make it a point to tell someone how much you love Jesus, every day. This will reinforce your commitment to Jesus Christ as your Savior. It will help you to grow as a Christian, and will probably result in your winning souls to faith in Jesus as Savior.


Let’s talk about Jesus, the King of kings is He,
The Lord of lords, supreme, through out eternity
The Great I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Door
Let’s talk about Jesus more and more!


Grow in Grace and Knowledge
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (2 Peter 3:18 NIV).
I am suggesting some steps for the new Christian to experience growth. These steps can also be good for seasoned Christians who desire a renewal of faith and a fresh start in living for Jesus. The six steps are: 1. Go to Church 2. Read the Bible 3. Pray 4. Talk about Jesus 5. Read Devotional Writings 6. Be aware of your daily life.