October 18, 2019(Friday)
I recently published a blog entitled “Grow in Grace and Knowledge,” and I suggested “Six Simple Steps to Christian Growth.” (See below). The second of these steps was, “Read the Bible.”
The Bible, after all these years, is still the top selling book. That only means that many Bibles have been purchased, but it does not necessarily mean that the Bibles are being read.
We may begin by “reading” the Bible, but as we grow in Christ we move from “Bible Reading” to “Bible Study.” We are, however, discussing renewal and getting off to a new beginning, so it is appropriate for us to use the term, “read” rather than “study.” Hopefully, once we have disciplined ourselves to “read” the Bible, we will embark upon “studying” the Bible.

I suggest you begin your Bible reading with the gospel of Luke. I say that because Luke tells us so much about the stories that Jesus told, which are easy to understand. I believe that the beginning place for Bible reading is not necessarily the Creation, but instead is the Cross. As we follow the birth and ministry of Jesus in the gospel of Luke, we move along, page by page, toward the Cross of Christ, which is the most important part of the Bible, or so I believe.
When you have completed your reading of the gospel of Luke, or if you believe you are ready for more advanced reading of the Bible, you will be able to find many suggestions for schedules. There are several schedules to guide you in daily Bible readings that will guide you in reading the entire Bible through in one year. I think you would do better in understanding the Bible if you find some Bible study materials that will enable you to understand what the Bible is all about, and then guide you in your daily reading.
In any case, your spiritual growth will depend in part on your acquaintance with the Bible and its central messages. Read it every day. Select a place for the reading, and, if possible, a definite time of day. Let nothing get in your way. Read the Bible.
Grow in Grace and Knowledge
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (2 Peter 3:18 NIV).
I am suggesting some steps for the new Christian to experience growth. These steps can also be good for seasoned Christians who desire a renewal of faith and a fresh start in living for Jesus. The six steps are: 1. Go to Church 2. Read the Bible 3. Pray 4. Talk about Jesus 5. Read Devotional Writings 6. Be aware of your daily life.