Are you a good Christian?

Philippians 4:1-22

February 8, 2010 (Monday)
picture of CharlesAre you a good Christian? Paul describes a good Christian as he writes to the Philippian Church, in chapter 4, the entire chapter. He is actually just writing to the church members with love in heart for them, but, in the process, gives a description of what we might call, “a good Christian.”
A good Christian has good actions, good attitudes, and good associations (personal relationships). All these subjects are touched by Paul as he pours out his heart to his beloved friends. Based on Philippians 4:1-22, I ask the following questions.
Are your actions good? Are you a faithful servant of Christ? Do you “stand fast” in the Lord (Philippians 4:1)? Are you a disciple (student) of Christ (Philippians 4:9, a pattern for life)? Are you a Christian thinker (Philippians 4:8, think good thoughts)?
Are your attitudes good? Are you cheerful (Philippians 4:4 Rejoice)? Are you calm (Philippians 4:6-8 Pray about everything)? Are you content (Philippians 4:11 I’ve learned to be content no matter what)?
Are your associations good? By “associations” I mean “personal relationships.” Do you get along with others (Philippians 4:2 The church had conflicts)? Are you patient with others (Philippians 4:5 Patience needed)? Do you help others (Philippians 4:3 Paul urges such)?
To quote an anonymous writer, “If you were arrested today for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
Read Philippians 4:1-22 NIV