I hate cold weather
January 5, 2010 (Tuesday)
It’s really cold today, but will be much colder in the morning, and much colder than that the rest of the week. Where is “Global Warming” when we need it? I’m beginning to think Neil Frank, who does not believe in it, is right. I hate cold weather. Sorry, I know each cold day is “the day the Lord hath made,” but He made clear to me a long time ago that He wants me to be honest with Him about how I feel about stuff.
I remember a cold, icy, snowy day in Houston in January, 1949 when I waited for the bus until my feet had no feeling in them. So I went back home, thinking there would be no classes at school that day, anyway. But there were classes as usual, and I was marked absent.

When I was pastor in Dallas, every January (1962-1964) brought two Sundays when we could not heat our auditorium. Its high arched ceiling captured all the warm air from the heaters and it was cold at floor level in the pews. I recall one of those weekends brought a temperature of 7 degrees. I remember another day when a real blizzard hit Big D, and our house was really cold until ice formed in all the open spots in our windows. Once the ice formed, the wind couldn’t get in the house, and it warmed up. Did I mention that I hate cold weather? I do.

I talked with my Omaha granddaughter, Angela, on the phone a few days ago, and all residential streets there were closed, covered with snow and ice. The next morning, the temperature there was minus 11 degrees. B-r-r-r! I know I’m in Houston and not Omaha, but knowing I have a loved one there makes me shiver and shake. You guessed it: I hate cold weather.