There All the Time

cffblog6.jpgOceober 2, 2019 (Wednesday)

Fall leaf colors actually exist all year long.

In spring and summer, the pigment chlorophyll gives leaves their green color. At the end of summer, the decreased daylight and cooler temperatures cause chlorophyll to break down and that exposes other pigments that cause the brilliant yellow, orange, red leaves of fall.

A winding Vermont road surrounded by vibrantly colored leaves.

The fall colors were “there all the time,” and that reminds me of a song by Gary Paxton. In the song, Gary says he was searching for peace within, not knowing that the problem was sin in his life that Jesus could forgive. He discovered that Jesus was right there all the time, knocking at his heart’s door.

Do you know someone who is searching for peace of mind and a sense of belonging in life, yet has not yet found an answer to life’s riddle of meaning? Have you demonstrated in your own life that Christ makes a difference in a person’s life? Better still, have you said something to that person about the power of Jesus to change a person’s life and give him what he or she is looking for?

Maybe you are the person who is still searching everywhere and trying everything to be happy, but so far you have been unsuccessful in your search. May I humbly suggest that the answer you are seeking is Jesus, who wants to enter your life as a living presence to comfort and guide you. “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, ‘Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame’ ” (Romans 10:9-10 NIV).

Please listen to Gary Paxton give his testimony in song:

He Was There All The Time

Gary S. Paxton

Time after time I went searching for peace in some void
I was trying to blame
All my ills on this world I was in
Surface relationships used me ’til I was done in
And all of the while someone was begging To free me from sin

He was there all the time
He was there all the time
Waiting patiently in line
He was there all the time

Never again Will I look for a fake rainbow’s end
Now that I have the answer My life is just starting to rhyme
Sharing each new day with Him Is a cup of fresh wine
And oh what I missed, He’s been waiting right there all the time

He was there all the time
He was there all the time
Waiting patiently in line
He was there all the time


News for those who have not heard: Bethel Baptist Church, Ingleside, extended a unanimous call to a pastor last Sunday. After much prayer and consideration, he declined the call. I am still Interim Pastor of Bethel, and will continue to serve until the church has a new pastor. Please pray for the church, its pastor search committee and the person it is seeking, whoever he is.