Called of God

cffblog6.jpgOctober 8, 2019 (Tuesday)

When God called Jonah into service, the call was specific: “Go to Ninevah and preach repentance.” Jonah refused the call, because the people there were enemies. He therefore took a trip in the opposite direction. Did he really think God would not know where he was?

Years ago God called me into the ministry. My call was not as specific as that of Jonah. The only thing I understood at first was that God was calling me to preach the gospel. I told the Lord, “Yes,” and then I told my pastor and the church. I told my family next, and waited for God’s next word to me. He never spoke in an audible voice, but the call came in various ways, mainly through other people. The next step came right away, as the pastor asked me to preach a sermon to the church.

The Lord’s call kept coming, as the church assigned me tasks of various kinds and opportunities to speak and share the gospel came one after the other. I considered them all the call of God. Little by little I was inching forward in His service, being led, I believe, at every turn, by the Lord.

Within a year, I followed God’s leadership to college, and after that the seminary, and during that time I was led to marry the girl who would be by my side for the next 48 years of ministry. God would give us a wonderful family.

Oletha in 1952.

Churches put me to work, calling me to sing and preach. Many asked me to sing or preach in revival meetings. One of them ordained me to the ministry. Others taught me the next thing God wanted me to know as I continued to listen for His continued call.

I worked as staff member or pastor in six churches over a period of 14 years before being called to Rockport for a lifetime of service, and after that I have continued to listen for God’s faithful call to various places of service for 23 years since retirement, always preaching the gospel of Christ.

Here I am now, 88 years of age and awaiting God’s next call. I thought a new pastor was coming to Bethel, but that did not happen. I will continue to serve as interim pastor there, because I am willing to do whatever He wants. “Ready to go, ready to stay.” “Where He leads me I will follow.” “Wherever He leads I’ll go.” “He leadeth me.” “Some day life’s journey will be o’er, and I shall reach that distant shore, I’ll sing while ent’ring Heaven’s door, “Jesus led me all the way.”

At the close of each Tuesday blog I will write about the presidents, in the order of their service.

Today’s president is
James Madison – The 4th President