My First Try At A WordPress Blog

cffblog6.jpgSeptember 10, 2019 (Tuesday)

When you read the title of this blog, you may think, “Has he not been writing WordPress blogs since August 28?” Actually, all the blogs from Aug 28 to Today were written in the blog program I used for the last 12 years. I imported them into this program and then went to work trying to make them fit this format. From all I have read and have been told, this should be much easier for me to use. You may not be interested in all this, but blabbermouth that I am, I felt I had to tell you my little secrets.

Let me back up a few days and report on my health examinations. On Sept 6, I provided a blood sample to my doctor to see if following his instructions on how to take my pills helped my thyroid to do a better job. On September 13 I will have an Echocardiogram and on the 16th a Nuclear Stress Test. I had those done about 5 years ago with good results. While I’m telling you about these, I may as well report that the injections given to me every 6 months seem to be keeping the prostate cancer under control. And I’ve been trying to remember to use a cane under advice from doctors to avoid falls. I take six prescriptions and a handful of over-the-counter meds and lotions. I suppose all this fits the profile of a guy about to turn 88.

In spite of a few memory glitches, I seem to be able to preach sermons and hold sensible conversations. I still have a sense of humor. I am thankful for the Lord’s blessings, especially that of life itself. We learned in our study of Psalms that the word, “Hallelujah” means “Praise the Lord!” Hallelujah!