All of me

Lord, take all of me

September 21, 2009 (Monday)
picture of Charles “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1 NIV). Paul has ended his doctrinal treatise (chapters 1-11), declaring and demonstrating the grace of God toward all people. He begins the practical section of his written work with “therefore.” What follows is an appeal to put into practice everything taught by Jesus and emphasized by his followers.
The appeal to Christians to offer their bodies as living sacrifices is not a call to martyrdom; it is an encouragement to them to let their lives count for Christ. The terminology used is from the Temple Worship, in which living animals became offerings to God when offered in worship. When applied to the Christian, this is metaphorical language, with the individual Christian becoming the offering. What does God want from us? Nothing less than ourselves — body, heart, mind, soul and spirit.
Some argued that the body is inherently sinful and hopelessly dedicated to wrongdoing, but the soul was separate and could be completely dedicated to God at the same time the body was engaged in sinful acts. Paul cuts through to the heart of the matter and says, “I beseech you to present your bodies as living sacrifices.” Once the body is turned over to God, so is everything else about the Christian. There is no dichotomy within us. I am one person; so are you. God wants all there is of me; He wants all there is of you. That’s the meaning of Romans 12:1.