..I love America..

Fourth of July — Independence Day — 2007

July 4, 2007 (Wednesday) – For our Bicentennial celebration at First Baptist Church, our choir presented the beautiful and meaningful musical, “I Love America.” The church loved it, and the choir loved doing it.
We do love America. From the earliest settlers to the most recent immigrants, people have come to these shores because of the hope of freedom. The people who came here discovered a place of incomparable beauty. Once independence had been won, a nation of boundless opportunity came into being. In defense of freedom, thousands of its citizens have given their lives. Millions of people throughout the world want to become citizens here. We thank God for the privilege of citizenship that is ours. Please take the time to view and listen to the following presentation. Afterwards, you will say, “I’m thankful for this country; I love America.”

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