What is grace?

Grace is undeserved mercy

August 26, 2009 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesI share today an illustration that I first read when I began preaching many, many years ago. I use it in sermons because it teaches the truth. Here it is:
A winter snow storm left a good supply for the neighborhood boys to use in making snow balls to throw at each other. One day, as they busily threw one after another at each other, a choice target appeared: the local Sunday School teacher. One boy could not resist the temptation to throw a choice one at the man as he walked down the street where they were playing. It found its mark, and the man saw his hat knocked from his head down to the snow-covered ground. All the boys suddenly scattered, and the hurler of the offending missile ran directly home. A little later that day the boy was called into the living room to receive a special visitor: the Sunday School teacher! He trembled with fear, knowing that he would be punished for his careless act earlier in the day. The kind young teacher, however, had a gift for the boy. It was a rod and reel that he knew the boy wanted. He gave it to him as a birthday gift, wishing him a happy birthday, then going his way. The boy was overwhelmed with gratitude and shame. The next Sunday, the teacher asked his class, “What is grace?” The boy quickly replied, “A rod and reel!”
We are saved by grace and sustained each day by grace. Jesus taught us to give grace to others just as it has been given to us.