Take Your Choice

Heaven or Hell?

June 28, 2009 (Monday)
picture of CharlesWe are permitted many choices in life. Every day we decide, “Do I lie here a little longer or do I get up?” Will I have eggs or cereal for breakfast? Will I drive or bike to work? And on it goes. We make many little decisions daily. We also make big decisions.
Jesus gave us two choices: He said, “The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it” (Matthew 7:13-14 New Living Translation). Please make your decision about which gate to enter and which road to travel.
The highway to hell has many travelers. Most people are on that road. It’s the easy road, because it’s all downhill. It’s a big, wide road and very comfortable. Happiness eludes the people on that road, and its destination is too horrible to imagine. When you reach the end of the road, you say goodbye to God forever. Eternal death lies at the end of the road.
The way to Heaven doesn’t have as many sojourners on it, but they make up a joyful group. They have entered through the gateway to life. They are on their way to the true “City of God.” And what is that road? It is none other that the person of Jesus Christ himself. “He who has the Son has life, and he who has not the Son does not have life” (1 John 5:12 NKJV).
There are only two choices: Accept Jesus or reject him. If you choose Jesus today, you choose life, love, and joy. An old song says, “You better get on that road.”