A little tech rhyme

For our tech time

June 17, 2009 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesHere’s a little ditty I dreamed up
about the impact of computers,
the internet, email and all the rest
of the technological world we live
in today. I don’t understand it all,
but I try to make good use of it.

I’ve never learned to twitter,
Don’t think I ever will.
Don’t know how to text a message
If I did I’d get a bill.
I just rely on email,
A standard way to write
To those who need to hear from me
Morning, noon or night.
I can send text by email,
Pictures, jokes and such,
And then I hear right back, you know
Never waiting much.
So hail to thee, O Internet,
You give me news galore,
But when I need to hear from friends,
Email gives me more.
The world has changed, that’s plain to see,
And I have learned to cope
By tapping into technology,
To prove that I’m no dope.
So email me today, my friend,
Tell me what’s on your heart
We’ll be ‘lectronic kinfolk then,
And we will never part.
And if you get a chance to see
The blog I write each day,
I hope it gives you food for thought,
And helps you on your way.