Recovery is certain

We just don’t know when

May 21, 2009 (Thursday)
picture of CharlesI like science-fiction and enjoy watching the programs that demonstrate space travel in the future. One of the terms used a lot on the spaceships is, “warp speed,” which is a speed so great that it has yet to be attained by our generation. The space shuttle orbits at speeds between 17,000 mph and 18,000 mph. The theoretical “warp speed” of science fiction is much faster than that and would make the shuttle look like it is sitting still at the incredibly fast speeds of today.
Now, let’s think about our economic recovery. What we would really like to see is warp speed recovery, but what we are really seeing is Model T speed recovery, complete with roadside repairs and bailing wire. It’s likely to be a long process.
I hope I am as wrong as wrong can be, but it may be a long time before better times come again. So, what I am suggesting is that we all prepare ourselves for hard times as we pray for good times. Let us be patient, and let us be kind to one another. Let us spend time with the Lord in prayer, and let us be sure to pray for one another.
I’m no expert in economics. I know of nothing that I can offer in the way of advice to our leaders as to what to do next, or how to do it. I’m sure the best minds available in our country are hard at work coming up with procedures and plans to get the economy on the right road. All I am saying is that we Christians have priorities that have not changed. Our first allegiance is to the Lord, and our first duty as children of God is to love others and do what we can to help others. It’s our duty. It’s our privilege.