The Hubbell Telescope

A view of space from space

May 12, 2009 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesThe crew of the Atlantis space shuttle are out there now, performing the mission of repairing and updating the Hubbell telescope. I’m sure there are many sources of information about the telescope and the the current mission, but I found this one this morning, and it’s really good:

The site includes file pictures from the telescope.
Aren’t you glad you live in the world at this time of history? This one development (the Hubbell telescope and the information it has already provided) was worth staying alive for.
A beautiful verse in Genesis says, “and He made the stars also.” What a verse! From the Biblical writer’s point of view, the stars were those twinkling points of light in the night sky. From our point of view today, those twinkling points of light are so much more. The more we learn about what’s out there, the greater our realization that the Psalmist was saying much more than he thought when he wrote, “When I consider the heavens, the work of your hands and the stars which you have made, what is man that you are mindful of him?” (Psalm 8).