
Happy Mother’s Day

May 8, 2009 (Friday)
picture of CharlesSunday is Mother’s Day. Whenever I think of it,
an old song by Howard Johnson always pops into my mind.
It’s very sentimental (some call it “sappy” today, and
probably other things I haven’t heard), but I’m sure it was
written from the heart, and I know it was sung from the
heart of many a person. Here it is:


“M” is for the million things she gave me,
“O” means only that she’s growing old,
“T” is for the tears she shed to save me,
“H” is for her heart of purest gold;
“E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
“R” means right, and right she’ll always be,
Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER,”
A word that means the world to me.

To all mothers who may read this little blog, I say, “Happy Mother’s Day!”