All our needs met

Our Father is rich

March 10, 2009 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesIf you have $250,000 or less in the bank, you can rest easy tonight. Your money is insured by the FDIC. That’s what Americans are being told, in one way or another, by official and unofficial representatives of government and financial agencies.
While many are concerned about keeping what they have, millions more are concerned about being able to pay their bills and have food on their tables. With the jobless report showing increased numbers of people whose businesses have gone under or who have lost their jobs, more families are being directly affected by our economic hard times.
As I read the obituaries today, I took note of the ages of the people who have recently died, and 70% of those listed were younger than I, so I guess it’s time for me to review my life and give a little more thought to its evaluation.
I was “raised poor” although I don’t think I ever really knew that. Recently I read the biography of a prominent Houstonian about my age, raised “inside the loop” as I was, but in a wealthy home. He writes about his wonderful summers in the Adirondacks, and how happy he was when he saw the entourage of servants joining the family for the season. I never knew or even heard about such things. I didn’t miss them. How can you miss having what you don’t know about?
Is this a great country or what? It has made a way for me to have “a wonderful life” (apologies to the movie) of meaning and purpose. The source of my blessings, however, goes much higher.
All my needs have been met, because I have something better than the FDIC. I have God’s promises. I am reminded of awesome deeds of the Lord in our lives every time I read Philippians 4:19, “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.”
So I will rest easy tonight, because .. well, you know why.