Devotional Helps Online

A few suggestions

January 2, 2009 (Friday)
picture of CharlesYears ago, a recovering alcoholic gave me a little book entitled, “Twenty-four Hours a Day.” I found it to be a great little book, with a reading for each day of the year. The thoughts of each page offer guidance and counsel, as well as inspiration to the reader, whoever he/she is, including ministers such as I.
Someone else introduced me to “My Utmost for His Highest,” by Oswald Chambers. As I understand it, the book was compiled by his widow after his death, and is a compilation of excerpts from his sermons and writings. Millions of people have found the little volume to be of immeasurable help in their journey through life.
In recent years, “My Utmost for His Highest” has appeared in a modern version, smoothing out the English for a new generation of Americans.
I discovered a couple of days ago that these devotional helps are available online as well as in book form. People with portable computers, laptop or handheld, now have access to them wherever they are. And those with desktops have access also, if they enjoy reading a computer screen.
Along with these devotional books, the Bible itself is available online in interchangeable translations. You can find all these resources at the following addresses (These sites also include links to other sources which aid spiritual meditation):
Twenty-Four Hours a Day

My Utmost for His Highest (Modern English)

Also offers Bible in One Year suggestion
My Utmost for His Highest (Traditional):

Read the Bible through in a One Year plan: