
It’s dangerous to pray

November 21, 2008 (Friday)
picture of CharlesIt’s dangerous to pray.

It’s dangerous to pray for a solution to personal problems.
Peter saw the Lord walking on the water, and pleaded with Him, “Lord, if it’s you, let me come to you walking on the water.” Jesus then beckoned to him, and before he realized it, Peter was walking on the water, too. All of a sudden, he realized what he was doing, and sank beneath the waves. His next cry: “Lord, save me!” Peter prayed, got what he asked for, but then realized he had asked for something dangerous just because he wanted it. Some of our personal problems could be solved by applied Christianity and plain common sense, but if we decide to ask the Lord’s help, let’s be sure we know what we’re asking for. It’s dangerous to pray for a solution to personal problems. You may be led to do something unusual.
It’s dangerous to pray for others. You may have to do something you had not counted on doing. God may lay your enemies on your heart and tell you to pray for them. He may want you to forgive them. If you pray for those in need, the Lord may ask you to sacrifice for them. If you pray for an unbeliever, you may be led to witness to him/her. If the troubled world is on your heart, you may be shown by the Spirit how you can help.It’s dangerous to pray for others – you may be led to do something unusual.

It’s dangerous to pray for your church.
If it needs material resources to carry out its mission, the Lord may show you how you can give and meet the needs. If you pray for the church’s progress in carrying out the Lord’s commands, you may have to become a better member, involved in its work. It’s dangerous to pray for your church. You may be led to do something unusual.
It’s dangerous to pray for God’s will to be done. There’s no telling what God’s will may turn out to be. It’s not always easy. In fact, it seldom is. Be careful how you pray. It could be dangerous. It’s dangerous to pry for God’s will to be done. You may be led to do something unusual.
Let’s live dangerously, whaddaya say?