Be patient and wait
October 31, 2008 (Saturday)
Jesus told a lot of stories, and several are recorded in Matthew 13, among which are the parables of the tares and the net of fish. Both stories illustrate the fact that good and evil exist side by side in this world, but will be separated at judgment.
Jesus told us about a wheat field where the wheat was planted before an enemy came and sowed weeds with the wheat. The laborers were dismayed, but the owner had a plan: let the grain and the weeds grow together, and when harvest time comes, remove the weeds and burn them before harvesting the wheat. In that way, these two opposing crops will be separated. The point of the story is that good and evil will ultimately be recognized for what they are and evil will be destroyed.
He also told us about a net full of fish. When the net was opened, there were all sorts of fish, some good and some bad. So what do fishermen do under such circumstances? They pick out the bad fish and do away with them, leaving only the good fish. The same lesson is taught in this parable: good and evil exist side by side in this world, but ultimately evil will be identified and destroyed.
The basic lesson is plain and true: judgment is coming. A final separation will take place. Sin will be punished and good works will be rewarded. The lesson for the disciples was patience. Just wait. Don’t hurry. Don’t lose hope. Good and evil are existing now side by side, but that will not always be so. The day will come when the righteous will shine and their deeds rewarded. Wait and see.