The Cross of Christ

A revelation of God’s love

October 12, 2008 (Sunday)
picture of CharlesToday at Timbergrove Baptist Church we shall observe the Lord’s Supper, which commemorates the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The cross is a symbol of the Christian faith frequently seen atop church steeples or displayed within Christian sanctuaries, or “worship centers” as they are sometimes called today.

The Cross of Christ is a revelation of man’s sin
. The very act of crucifying the Lord of Glory reveals how sinful man can be, because Jesus certainly had done nothing worthy of death. The Cross, however, goes deeper and stands as evidence of the seriousness of man’s sin. Jesus allowed himself to be crucified as atonement for man’s sin.
The Cross of Christ is a revelation of God’s sorrow. It is a symbol of God’s broken heart because of mankind’s rebellion against him and determination to continue in sin. God created man for fellowship with himself, but man has been determined to break that fellowship through sin. God is even more determined to restore the fellowship, and the Cross stands as an eternal symbol of that determined love of God.

The Cross of Christ is a revelation of our Savior
. God required and provided the ultimate sacrifice for sin. Jesus as the Lamb of God gave Himself for us (2 Cor 5:21). He submitted to the divine plan of salvation for all. The cross says to each of us: “The One who died here loves you!”
We can never fathom the love of God in Christ, but we can accept it. As we at our church take the bread and cup today, it is in remembrance of the precious Cross of Christ – the One who died there and loves us still.