..I know who holds tomorrow..

Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow.”

June 7, 2007 (Thursday) – I am greatly impressed with Vacation Bible School: so many children, so many adults and teenage teachers and workers, so much fun, so much action, SO MUCH WORK!! What a tremendous debt of gratitude we owe to Gayle Rozacky and the seventy or so workers with her. Yesterday many of the older children made professions of faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. The attendance continues to be larger each day.
When I preached about stress last Sunday, I didn’t know I was going to be tested on it. This afternoon I’ll be in Corpus going through stress tests. I’ve been very fortunate and have had few health issues in my life, other than the chronic allergies, hayfever, and, until I moved to Rockport, asthma. In my early thirties, I was sort of “sickly,” but I got over it. I’ve made it to nearly 76, five years longer than my father lived, and 10 years longer than his father, and 21 years longer than his father’s father. So, every day is really a bonus for me.
The reasons people give for their long lives are amusing. One lady said it was her snuff dipping that kept her going. “How?” she was asked. “Oh, I don’t know, she said, it just sorta cams me.” Some centenarians say they keep a good sense of humor, others don’t eat meat, while still others neither smoke nor drink. And so it goes. One old guy was asked, “Sir, to what do you attribute your longevity?” “Oh, I don’t know,” he said, “bad luck, I guess!”
All the above answers are not very helpful. What is helpful are the teachings of the Bible.
King Solomon declared, “There is a time for everything,” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). “My times are in your hands,” prayed King David (Psalm 31:15). So, there you have it. There is order in the universe, and God is in charge. It’s all in the Lord’s hands. Maybe that’s why some people live longer than others: they don’t think about it much. They just enjoy it one day at a time, because they’ve turned it all over to the Lord. They read what Jesus said in Matthew 6:34, “Do not worry about tomorrow,” and then they do what Jesus wants.
Don’t you love that old song, “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow?” It goes, “Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand, But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand.”

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