Deacon Friends

To this day, God has richly blessed me and my ministry with wonderful deacons and loving church members.

August 21, 2008 (Thursday)
picture of CharlesWhen I was ordained to the ministry in 1951, two men were ordained as deacons in the very same service. I was new in the Oletha Baptist Church, and did not know the men very well yet, but our friendship and shared responsibilities in the church were to grow in the months and years that followed.
Both those men are gone now, to be with their Lord. Mr. Dewell Thomas was one of those men. He used to tell me about his only son, of whom he was justly proud. Mr. Dewell died years ago, and a few days ago, his son, Dub, who was 32 when his dad was ordained as a deacon, died at the age of 89. He had retired as a very successful educator. Dub’s mother, “Miss Lillie” Thomas, was a highly respected school teacher in the community, and a wonderful encourager of her young preacher in those early years of his ministry.
The other deacon in the ordination service was Richard Stem, a veteran of World War II, and a fine Christian man. Richard died at an early age, 42, leaving his wife and three children. His widow, Cecile, had a birthday party a few weeks ago, celebrating her 90th birthday. Cecile is Wanda’s second cousin.
The two deacons ordained with me were precious friends. Their families are dear to me. The many deacons with whom I have served through the years have been men of integrity who loved the Lord. To this day, God has richly blessed me and my ministry with wonderful deacons and loving church members. I have been blessed by God’s grace. Blessed. I have certainly been blessed.