Make the world a better place

“If everyone lights just one little candle, what a bright world this will be.”

August 13, 2008 (Wednesday)

picture of CharlesTwo news items appeared side by side in the newspaper this week. One was about victory in the Olympics; the other about mass murder in Pakistan. These were two entirely different events, showing two sides of human nature.
One group of people had trained for years, preparing for the Olympic competition by the nations of the world. Victory for those who won was celebrated with the award of medals: gold, silver and bronze. This particular article was about swimming competition. Every swimmer made the trip from one end of the pool to the other and back in less than 60 seconds. The difference between each of them was a fraction of a second. They represent the best, the very best.
The other event, in Pakistan, was the story of a roadside bombing that resulted in 12 dead and at least an equal number wounded. The bomb had been placed there by people who have dived headfirst into their own world of jealousy, hatred and rage, justifying it all on the basis, of all things, of religious beliefs. How sick. How sad.
So there we have the stark contrast. Competition on two levels are in the news. On the one hand, the nations are represented by well-trained, dynamic, motivated idealists who have become part of a peaceful demonstration of allowing the best person to win. On the other hand, the factions are represented by well-trained, brainwashed, motivated idealists who have sold out to the dark forces of evil in the world. There will be no end to the existence of groups at either end of this polarized world.
What shall we do in such a world? We are to keep giving our best, our very best, to endeavors that build up the good that exists. We are to remain positive, promoting the best ideas for the betterment of the human condition, and standing with all those who join in attempting to make this world a better place.
“If everyone lights just one little candle, what a bright world this will be.”