
August 8, 2008 (Thursday)
picture of CharlesHave you ever heard of oneirology? It means, “the scientific study of dreams.” The word has appeared in writing for 355 years. It comes from the Greek word, “oneiros,” which means “dream.”
Yesterday, I sat down, watched a television program, then turned off the T.V. The next thing I knew, I was waking up, 35 minutes had passed, and I had had a dream that seemed very real.
A “lucid dream” is one in which the dreamer is aware he/she is dreaming. I do not recall having such dreams, although it is possible I have forgotten. Most, if not all, of my dreams seem very real at the time of the dream. I am transported in my mind to another realm of existence.
Why do people dream? There are many theories about this, and more ideas being presented as research continues.
One suggestion is that the dream is trying to bring a satisfactory explanation, resolution, or solution for a situation that exists in your real life. As my responsibilities increased, I began having a dream that recurred often in various forms. I was the pilot of a large aircraft, and was successfully taking off, flying, then landing, just like any pilot would do, the only difference being that I had no training and did not know how I was doing it. The explanation is so simple I hesitate to offer it: I was feeling inadequately prepared for my job but everyone else had confidence in me, and I carried out my duties.
Many times dreams are infinitely more complicated than that. The mind is straightening itself out in its own way. We don’t recall the dreams and we’re probably better off for it.
God spoke to people through dreams in Bible times. Some people today say He speaks to them in that way. I don’t know. For me, personally, The Holy Spirit interprets the written Word of God and helps me know what God wants me to know.
The whole subject of dreams is interesting and worthy of our study. Someone has suggested we keep a pad and pencil at our bedsides and, when we awaken from a dream, write down the main ideas immediately. Over time, a pattern may emerge that can help you in some way. If interested, read some good books on the subject.
I like Johnny Mercer’s song, from another era, “Dream, when you’re feeling blue. Dream, that’s the thing to do. Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air; You’ll find your share of memories there. So dream when the day is through; Dream and they might come true. Things never are as bad as they seem, So dream, dream, dream.”