At home in the Lord

August 2, 2008 (Saturday)

picture of CharlesPsalm 90 is listed in the Bible as a prayer of Moses. That prayer begins with the confession, “Lord you are our habitation.” This was a special thought in behalf of all the wandering people of Israel, who were living in tents with no permanent home of their own.
A habitation is a house, a home, a stable dwelling. The Israelites led by Moses were always on the move with uneasy feelings of not belonging wherever they happened to be. Out in the dessert and wilderness they were endangered by enemies and wild animals. The one constant in their life was “change.” Seems they were always in a new place. They grew weary of that way of life, and longed for a home of their own. Each of those families wanted homes of their own, where they could feel safe, take it easy and have a sense of belonging. Moses’ prayer in their behalf thanks God for being their home, their dwelling place. That’s what God is to us today. We feel at home in His presence. In Him we live and move and have our being. He’s our home.
We have a lease on this home that will last forever. No eviction is possible. When God saves you, he saves you forever. You can know that for sure. Read 1 John and you’ll see that a person can know beyond any doubt that he is dwelling in God and God is living in Him. If you dwell in God today, you have a magnificent house, a permanent house and a perfect house. It’s a big house, too: there’s always room for more. In fact, the whole world is invited to make God their permanent home. How about it? Are you at home in God?