We will rejoice!

..because this is His day

July 19, 2008 (Saturday)
picture of Charles”We will rejoice!” (Psalm 118:24). This can be the theme of Christians everywhere, every day, no matter what.
We will rejoice in the Lord in spite of the hindrances to rejoicing. Stuff like bad news, suffering – our own or that of someone we love, our faults, our shortcomings, or our inadequacies can bring us down emotionally, and we must go deep within ourselves to reach the resources for rejoicing. We can always discover something positive if we look for it. We will rejoice!

We will rejoice because of the salvation which causes rejoicing.
In Christ we are declared righteous on the basis of His death on Calvary’s cross. Christ had no sin of His own, but he died as a sinner in our place. He paid the debt we could not pay. How would we feel if we owed a million dollars, had no money, and a benefactor paid the entire debt for us? That’s what Jesus did, only it was a sin debt and payment was in His own precious blood. So we rejoice. The salvation also makes us new people because He changes us from within and helps us to make changes in our lives that bring joy to us. We will rejoice!

We will rejoice because of Christ, who is the reason for our joy.
Christ was rejected by those who should have welcomed Him, but as Psalm 118:22 says, “The stone that was rejected has become the Cornerstone!” He lives! We can do whatever needs to be done through Him. We are more than conquerors through Him. He came to give us full, meaningful lives. Today is the Day of Salvation the ancients hoped would someday come. Christ lives within believers and gives them hope. That’s you and I, if we are believers. We will rejoice!
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Phil 4:4 NIV).