The old has gone

The new has come

June 18, 2008 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesToday they tore down the house next door. Within a matter of minutes, the huge machine attacked the house and like a huge praying mantis, chewed it up and spat it out.
I was amazed at how quickly a building can disappear, right before your eyes. Look, it’s a house! No, it’s a pile of rubble. My, my.
I suppose this means a new set of town houses will rise next door. The owners will not be able to build new houses as fast as they tore down the old one, but they probably will waste no time, and soon new buildings will rise. I hope they will be able to save the beautiful large trees on the property.
When Windsor Castle was damaged by fire in 1992, it was 1000 years old. How many buildings have we seen the United States that are 1000 years old? None. Even if we had been around 1000 years ago to construct a building, we can be sure it would not be standing today. You may rest assured it would have been demolished and replaced, probably several times. We thrive on change. Antiquity is treasured by us, but only in museums.
Replacing the old with the new is God’s way. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” Sometimes change is necessary and is a good thing. The first car I ever owned was a 1941 model, replaced by 1950 car, then a 1951, next a 1959, then a 1963, and in succession these models: 1968, 1974, 1979, 1990, and 1994. Every car used until it was used up, and then replaced by something better. That’s what we all do. We leave the past behind and move on, to something better. That’s what the Lord wants to help you do with your life.