..Did we laugh? Yes, we did..

We had fun at the ball game.

MAY 31, 2007 (Thursday) – Still reminiscing about the Hooks game Tuesday night. I went with a wonderful group of people. I think there were seventeen of us from the First Baptist Church. The church name was displayed on the big electronic display for everyone to see, welcoming us to the ball park.
I’m still thinking about it because we had so much fun.
One of Webster’s definitions of “fun:” “playful often boisterous action or speech.” That’s a good description of our activity at the game.
Did we laugh? Yes, we did. A lot. It was good for us. Studies show that genuine laughter reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, elevates mood, boosts the immune system, improves brain functioning, protects the heart, connects us to others, fosters instant relaxation, and makes us feel good. If laughing and enjoying ourselves makes us healthy, then we are in fine physical condition.
People watching a group of people like us might think we’ve all had “a few too many.” Happy Christians are sometimes mislabeled. That all began on the Day of Pentecost. They accused the believers: “They have had too much wine. (Acts 2:13).” Peter replied that they had not had wine at all. The Holy Spirit was energizing the people. The Bible urges us, “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).”
We were among the happiest folks at the game, and the next morning we remembered what we had done without regret. Furthermore, we didn’t have a bad headache and all the other stuff that goes along with a hangover. As far as I know, no one had bad after-effects from their wafflecakes, hot dogs, hamburgers, steak potatoes, and soft drinks.
Did I mention we had fun?

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