Been there, done that?

Lost the zest?

June 9, 2008 (Monday)
picture of CharlesI have not seen the new Indiana Jones movie, but most of the reviews have not been complimentary. That’s surprising, given the movie industry’s tools today, which make possible special effects that outshine anything that has ever been done before.
I have not seen the movie, but I have a feeling that it is probably just as good or better than the original movie in the exciting series. The difference – the really big difference – is in the viewing public. It’s we moviegoers who have become accustomed to the sensational, so much so that it’s hard to impress us now.
I remember when Six Flags Over Texas opened, and Wanda and I took our children. Unless one had already been to Disneyland, Six Flags was the most entertaining and exciting place ever seen. Even though I was not a child, I became one that day and was greatly impressed by everything I saw. Through the years, we took the kids many times. Even though the place was continually upgraded with new and more exciting rides, etc., we grew accustomed to it. We knew it was better than ever, but we were just a bit jaded by the many visits through the years. That’s what has happened to many of us with life in general, isn’t it?
At some point in life, we need to come to a dead stop, and ask ourselves, are we losing our sense of wonder? If so, what do we need to do to get it back? Would we rather be “cool” or “happy?” If we would rather be truly happy, we are going to have to do away with the “been there-done that” mentality. “If it is to be, it’s up to me.” I’m going to have to learn how to say, “Wow!” again. How about you?