It’s fun to spend less

Try it, you’ll like it

May 29, 2008 (Thursday)

picture of CharlesI love the dollar stores, the ones that actually charge a dollar for stuff. Due to inflation, the store I like is now the $1.09 store, but that’s still a store full of bargains.
A couple of weeks ago, I bought four greeting cards at a well-known store, for $17.93. Today at the dollar store I bought four greetings cards, a USB hub for my computer, a long shoe horn, a set of RCA plugs and wires for my VCR setup, a cane, a sack of Butterfingers, a piece of gourmet chocolate, an oven mitt, a digital fever thermometer, four vacuum cleaner bags, two vacuum cleaner belts, a huge decorative wall thermometer, a set of clips, and a set of refrigerator magnets. Total bill, $17.39. I’m guessing the cost at regular retail to be $75.00. That’s a savings of 77%.
It’s fun to save money. The old adage, “A penny saved is a penny earned,” needs to be revived. I know of several people who have arranged their affairs so that they live on less and share half or more of their income with less fortunate people. Can you imagine what their reward in Heaven is going to be?
I’m sure that a day will come when we will regret having created our throwaway, disposable culture. It’s already a nightmare from the standpoint of creating unbelievably large amounts of recyclables, most of which are not being recycled. Our hats are off to those who steadfastly attempt to do their part in teaching their children the value of money, the virtues of thrift, and the responsibilities that come with privilege.
God calls it “stewardship,” a way of life that recognizes God as owner of all things, and ourselves as those who are watching it for Him.