All Creatures Great and Small

Designed by their Creator

May 21, 2008 (Wednesday)
picture of Charles
Dale Pogue was lamenting the loss of his first tomato in his blog yesterday. Dale is quite good at gardening, and is an avid birdwatcher. The two hobbies marched into each other yesterday, as a mockingbird ate his prized tomato.
It’s no fun when the raccoon eats your corn, the opossum sets up housekeeping in your well house, the squirrel destroys your bird feeders, the deer eat your flowers, etc. But I think we should all remind ourselves that they were here first. They are doing a pretty good job of surviving as we humans forge ahead with our projects.
Little by little we are beginning to realize that everything in the natural world has a purpose. It is, therefore, of benefit to humans to preserve wildlife.
One of the cartoons in yesterday’s newspaper pictures a child asking if seals dream. “No,” came the answer. The next frame showed the sleeping seal’s dream: an oilman perched over a dunk tank filled with crude oil, with seals throwing balls at the target trigger. All in fun, I would think. But it’s a small reminder that people need to do as much as they can to help wildlife survive.
The mockingbirds which sing 24 hours a day, day after day, however, may be an exception. On the other hand, we have to admire the fact that they don’t seem to be singing the same song over and over. As I said, this is their turf and we are the newcomers.