Where Could I Go?

cffblog6.jpgSeptember 3, 2019 (Tuesday)

God has not promised we shall have a trouble-free life, but, in the words of the poet, Annie Johnson Flint, “God has promised strength for the day, rest from the labors, light for the way, grace for the trials, help from above, unfailing sympathy, undying love.”

Today’s world presents challenges to our faith by many who believe they can have all the best that life has to offer, without God. I am reminded of the words of Joshua to the Israelites, “.. choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve .. but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15).”

No matter what others may believe or do, our faith is anchored in Christ–in His love and power. With the apostle Paul, each of us declares, “To me to live is Christ! (Philippians 1:21)”  When faced with the many challenges of modern life, we look for answers. After full investigation of all the possiblities, we say with Simon Peter, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:68).” In the words of the old gospel song, “Where could I go but to the Lord?”