Dwight D. Eisenhower – 34th President

October 1, 2019 (Tuesday)

Dwight D. Eisenhower was born October 14, 1890 in Denison, Texas, grew up in Ablilene, Kansas, and died March 28, 1969 in Washington D.C. He married Mamie Geneva Doud and they had one son, John.

His nickname was “Ike.” “I Like Ike” was his campaign slogan when he ran for president.


He served as President 1953-1961. He was a Republican. He was 62 when he became president.

Dwight D. Eisenhower is best known for being the supreme commander of the Allied forces during World War II. During his two terms as president, the country experienced economic prosperity and peace.

Dwight was born in Texas, but his parents moved to Abilene, Kansas while he was still young. It was in Abilene that he grew up with his 5 brothers. Dwight graduated high school and went to work with his dad at the local creamery. His parents encouraged him to go to college. Since Dwight had grown up with a strong interest in the military, reading many books on military history, he decided to go the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. After graduating from West Point, Eisenhower entered the military service. He was a talented leader and soon rose in the military ranks. His West Point graduation class had 59 members who reached the rank of general in their military careers.

During World War II, Eisenhower reached the highest rank in the army, five-star general. He was also named the supreme commander of the Allied forces by President Roosevelt. As the top commander he planned the Invasion of Normandy, also called D-Day. The invasion was a success and helped to push the Germans out of France. This was one of the deciding victories of the war. When the war in Europe ended, Eisenhower accepted the formal surrender of the German troops.

A few years after World War II ended, in 1948, Dwight retired from the army. He first worked as president of Columbia University and then as commander of the NATO forces in Europe. Many people asked him to run for president. At first he said no, but in 1952 he decided to run. Eisenhower was very popular and easily won the 1952 presidential election. Eisenhower’s two presidential terms were a time of economic prosperity and relative peace. Some of his accomplishments include:

Eisenhower Doctrine – Eisenhower wanted to stop the spread of communism. He stated that any country could request aid or military help from the U.S. if it was being threatened by another. This was designed to stop the Soviet Union.
Interstate Highway System – He established the highway system we use today for travel around the country. He saw this as something that was needed to help the economy, but also as important militarily in the case of an invasion by enemies.
Civil Rights Acts – He proposed the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960. He also supported the integration of schools and created a permanent civil rights office in the Department of Justice.
Korean War – He helped to negotiate an end to the Korean War in 1953. He also put American troops at the border between South Korea and North Korea to keep peace. There are still American troops there today.

Eisenhower died of heart disease at age 78 while recovering from surgery in 1969.

Dwight D. Eisenhower – President 1953-1961