
cffblog6.jpgAugust 10, 2019 (Saturday)
When you dial 9-1-1 you may hear, “Nine One One. What is the nature of your emergency?” But I read of a fire department (cannot remember where) that answers, “YES!” They know what to say, because they are ready to respond, whatever the emergency.
The Lord wants His children to live in a state of readiness to do His will, whatever it is. The first line of the hymn today resolves, “Ready to suffer grief or pain.” Can we say that to the Lord and really mean it? But that’s not our only option. Our one real choice is to do His will, whatever that may mean for our future.
I love the hymn, written by B. B. McKinney, “Wherever He Leads I’ll Go.” One of the verses in the hymn says, “My heart, my life, my all I bring to Christ who loves me so. He is my Master, Lord and King; wherever He leads I’ll go.”
The chorus of the hymn, “Ready,” promises “Ready to go, ready to stay, Ready my place to fill; Ready for service lowly or great, Ready to do His will.” Can you repeat these words in prayer right now, and mean them?
When the Lord’s time came to provide our eternal redemption, He was ready. Are we ready to serve Him who does so much for us?

A. C. Palmer
Tune: Tillman

1 Ready to suffer grief or pain,
Ready to stand the test;
Ready to stay at home and send
Others if He sees best.
Ready to go, ready to stay,
Ready my place to fill;
Ready for service lowly or great,
Ready to do His will.
2 Ready to go, ready to bear,
Ready to watch and pray;
Ready to stand aside and give
Till He shall clear the way. [Refrain]
3 Ready to speak, ready to think,
Ready with heart and mind;
Ready to stand where He sees fit,
Ready His will to find. [Refrain]
4 Ready to speak, ready to warn,
Ready o’er souls to yearn;
Ready in life or ready in death,
Ready for His return. [Refrain]

Sung by a congregation: