Objectives of the Church

At least five

chas030.jpgFrom time to time, churches prepare “mission statements” in which they state in a general way what they feel the Lord wants them to do for him where they are. I’ve noticed that the statements differ from each other but close examination reveals that there are five basic objectives of the church.
1. WORSHIP. Every time the church comes together, the members are to worship God in their hearts. The elements of worship are intended to help a person come face to face with the living God.
2. MINISTRY. The church is to do something. It is here to serve. The types of ministries a church performs depend upon the needs it seeks to meet. Jesus emphasized the need for such work as visiting the sick, imprisoned, and needy, and helping them as far as it is possible.

The church is to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ in its community and is to be involved in some way in a witness to the world. Evangelism and missions are the heart of its life.
4. NURTURE. Evangelism introduces people to Christ; nurture teaches and trains them. Nurture takes place in many ways in a church as the members help each other to grow in grace.

We live in a world in which many people feel alienated and unloved. The church is to be an oasis of love and acceptance for all.
The printed order of these five objectives is not necessarily order of importance. They are all important, and each one is needed in the church.