Oh, What A Savior

cffblog6.jpgJune 2, 2019 (Sunday)
One of my favorite singers was about to sing the special music solo. I asked her, “What are you going to sing?” She replied, “I’m going to sing a Jesus song.” Well said. We cannot do better in a worship service than to sing about Jesus. This song was written over 70 years ago, yet still sounds new to the believer’s ear.

O What a Savior

Marvin P. Dalton

Once I was straying in sin’s dark valley,
No hope within could I see,
He searched through Heaven, and found a Savior
To save a poor lost soul like me.
O what a Savior, O hallelujah!
His heart was broken on Calvary,
His hands were nail scarred,
His side was riven,
He gave His life-blood for even me.
He left the Father with all His riches,
With calmness sweet and serene,
Came down from Heaven and gave His life-blood,
To make the vilest sinner clean.
O what a Savior, O hallelujah!
His heart was broken on Calvary,
His hands were nail scarred,
His side was riven,
He gave His life-blood for even me.
Death’s chilly waters I’ll soon be crossing,
His hand will lead me safe o’re,
I’ll join the chorus in that bright city,
And sing up there forever more.
O what a Savior, O hallelujah!
His heart was broken on Calvary,
His hands were nail scarred,
His side was riven,
He gave His life-blood for even me.