
cffblog6.jpgApril 2, 2019 (Tuesday)
Finally, a special day that could change many lives. This is not your average wacky day of doing crazy things or having such done to you. No, this is a very practical day for you to do what you have thought about, maybe for a long time. I glance at the obituary notices every day, and when I see someone’s name, I sometimes ask myself, “Did this person die with unforgiveness in the heart? Or did they die wishing to be forgiven for something they did? Reconciliation is a wonderful word. It is used in the Bible to describe what happens when a person comes to God, asking forgiveness for sin. We all long for peace in the world. Maybe it can start with you me.

(from the National Day Calendar):

National Reconciliation Day is celebrated on April 2 of each year. There are many different “Days of Reconciliation” held around the world that are celebrated on different days.
This is a day intended to patch up relationships. Misunderstandings, unintended words or actions and simply an unforgiven mistake can tear apart relationships. National Reconciliation Day is the time to take that step and make amends. It’s not too late. Reach out to that friend or loved one and make a fresh start. Use #ReconciliationDay to post on social media.
Our research has found several references to Reconciliation Day throughout the year. However, credit is given to newspaper columnist Ann Landers, who in 1989, in response to one of her reader’s letters, began annually promoting April 2nd as Reconciliation Day. She encouraged her readers to repair their broken relationships and dedicated each April 2nd column to letters concerning just such relationships.

Click here for samples of those letters to Ann.

Click here – Listen to a song about Reconciliation with God