
Pray for others

April 5, 2008 (Saturday)                                                              
Photo of Charles
Samuel said to the people, “far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you” (1 Samuel 12:23 NIV). A very interesting insight, wouldn’t you say? Samuel felt it was his duty to pray for the people, even though they had defied his advice, and demanded a king.
For whom should we pray? For our fellow Christians (Eph 3:18). For our families at home (Eph 6:4). For the sick (James 5:14). For our religious leaders (2 Cor 1:11). For leaders of our nation, state, and local communities (1 Tim 2:2). For our judges, police, parole boards, probation officers and all who are in authority (1 Tim 2:2). For our friends (Job 42:8,10). For our enemies and persecutors (Matt 5:44). For those who have not yet accepted Christ as Savior (Romans 10:1).
Many, many years ago, a New York City editor was on a trip and found himself lost in a snow storm. He saw dim tracks in the snow and through the blizzard saw the lights in a building. As he drew closer, he discovered it was a church. He entered and listened as they sang and prayed for others. When he made it back to his desk, he wrote an editorial about his experience: “I believe that such meetings as those which proved light and safety to me are today the greatest power in the world to bring light and safety to the souls of men.”
Pray for one another.